Guess I should introduce myself. My name is Tanner Myers, and I’m the next Quentin Tarantino. Or maybe the next Martin Scorsese. Or maybe I’m just going to be me and I’ll be a famous director for my own style.
Right now, I’m just a senior in high school with a dream to make movies that change the world. My uncle is the CEO here at Robot Butt and has seen my passion for making films since my crime drama The Double-Cross won first place at the Harding Middle School Film Festival a few years ago. He talked to the editors here and convinced them to let me start making videos for Robot Butt.
I know this is a comedy site, but I’m not really into that kind of stuff. I want to make art, movies with a real message and aren’t afraid to push the boundaries of what we believe. I really think anybody can appreciate the art of film, and hopefully, I help open your eyes to some new experiences and opinions.
But first, I think it’s necessary to pay tribute to Pope Francis, a man who is truly changing the world for the better.