Hi, Craig? Hey, if you have a minute, I was just hoping I could talk to you.
No, it’s not about the staff meeting being moved, I figured everyone got the email. No, I’m not skipping today – that would be irresponsible. It’s something different.
I’m serious, it’s not about the meeting, stop laughing. No one is going to think that joke would be funny.
Look, Craig, it’s about your computer. Some of us in the marketing department were talking about it and we’re just…well, there are some concerns.
No, that’s gross. No one found any – wait, don’t say anything else. I don’t want to know. No, Craig, it’s your screensaver. Remember World War II? Of course not, I wasn’t born either, but remember learning about it and hearing about all that stuff that happened? Remember how, you know what? I’m just gonna say it.
Your screensaver looks like a swastika.
A swastika.
The symbol for the Nazi Party.
The Nazi Party! Hitler! All of them! They all wore that symbol on their uniforms. That was their logo. Yes, like how the red-haired girl is the Wendy’s logo. Kind of. She’s also a spokesperson too, technically. What? No.
It’s a swastika, Craig. I guess it doesn’t really “mean” anything technically, no, but it reminds everyone of Nazis who killed over 10 million people during World War II and used the swastika as their logo. Yes, that’s bad. People see this on your desk and think you believe that blonde-haired, blue-eyed white people are the only people who aren’t worth killing because of how they look. Everyone is terrified of you. It took me a week to figure out how to broach this subject with you because I wondered if you were secretly a neo-Nazi or something. We figured that if we talked to you about it, you’d come in and blow the place up or systematically torture us for “scientific research.”
No, not like ‘The Matrix.’ Neo can be a prefix, not just a name.
Look, just get rid of it. Immediately.
And for God’s sake, read a book.