In a surprise unveiling today, the producers of the latest installment in the Jurassic Park series released a full-length trailer for the new Jurassic World. But the biggest surprise of all may have been the reveal of the terrifying new antagonist of the series. A single Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville restaurant.
In a mad dash, Jurassic World tourists did all they could to escape the rampaging Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville on Isla Nublar and its unending blaring of “Cheeseburger in Paradise.”
After watching this horrifying scene, viewers are left wondering if the next scene in the film will show a survivor clutching a blanket around his shoulders and a trembling cup of coffee in one hand saying, “I paid $10,000 for this vacation and this is what they offer?!”
The Margarittaville was mentioned on the Jurassic World website along with Winston’s Steak House and Hammond Research Center.
Since we all noticed the same thing… You should probably watch this JW: MARGARITAVILLE TRAILER I just recut 🙂 Enjoy!
Since we all noticed the same thing… You should probably watch this JW: MARGARITAVILLE TRAILER I just recut 🙂 Enjoy!
Jurassic World: Margaritaville Trailer