Greetings and salutations! Have you ever thought about draining the pain away when you see Donald Trump tweet? Do you need some wine to wash out that Popov you chugged? Well, I’m here to help. My name is Olivia, and after drinking copious amounts of Barefoot Wine in college and in my early twenties, I am your go-to sommelier here at Robot Butt. Every month I will suggest wine pairings for Trump’s tweets. Who needs a certification when your taste buds have changed drinking Three Buck Chuck?
Here is this month’s tweet for my first pairing:
My recommendation is a dry, crisp rosé, such as Les Hauts Plateaux rosé. The delicate summer berry taste with a hint of rose petal is perfect for the intellectual woman. The aftertaste is very refreshing, as it’ll make one think that women are too melodramatic to be the leader of the free world and shouldn’t do politics because it’s too unfeminine. Women can easily break down when we are threatened. Plus, never drink rosé older than two or three as it can go bad… like karma.