For generations, when people got past a certain age, they were shipped off to subpar facilities where they would live off the rest of their days playing Bingo and occasionally getting visits from the family members still able to stomach the smell of Werther’s and mothballs. But apparently that isn’t good enough for Baby Boomers. They are forgoing shabby retirement homes and instead splurging on expensive Jimmy Buffet-themed communities.
Who do these Boomers think they are? It takes some entitlement to decide that you don’t want to accept generic overpriced services, or that you have standards that aren’t being met by established companies. This complete disregard for tradition is destroying an entire industry, and for what? So Boomers can make choices for themselves about what is important to them as a consumer?
Maybe if these self-centered retirees weren’t so focused on their own personal gratification, they would see how selfish they are being. They are taking jobs away from hard-working orderlies simply because they would rather have fun and drink margaritas than sit in a fluorescently lit room and have Girl Scouts half-heartedly read to them for a merit badge.
This blatant disregard for tradition shows just how self-centered this generation is. If this is the direction our culture is going, where one generation will simply decide what past generations did isn’t for them and insist on forming their own identity, then we as a society have hit bottom.
May God have mercy on them for destroying this country.