When I was boy, I read Crime And Punishment and Brothers Karamazov and dreamed I could be next Dostoevsky. I could write about crushing poverty, the seductive power of evil, Man’s alienation from God… but I have bills to pay so I am professional troll on social media right now.
My soul yearns to create honest and heartbreaking literary art but inflammatory Internet comments designed to exacerbate political and cultural tensions in the West pay better right now.
How wonderful it would be to follow footsteps of Tolstoy and craft beautiful tale of love and loss and pain like Anna Karenina…
Okay, okay I will say N-word on Twitter for two rubles.
Or I could write for stage like the great Anton Chekhov, my naturalistic portraits of humble peasant life could be performed all over world.
Ariel is white! Casting a black actress to play the Little Mermaid will ruin entire story. Disney SJWs have an agenda to ruin everything! I am not racist.
Our brave police officers have the right to shoot anyone who refuses them service at Starbucks.
I take inspiration from great dissident writers like Solzhenitsyn, who endured years of oppression but whose spirit was never broken…
Brie Larson is bitch and she cannot act. Captain Marvel was terrible and I wish Thanos had crushed her head. And the Ghostbusters are men. Why can’t they leave our childhoods alone? Family separation was Obama’s idea, Trump is trying to stop it but the Democrats in Congress won’t let him. Bernie Sanders owns three homes. “Transgender?” What’s next? Cannibalism?
I sigh wistfully and think of ink-stained wretches of nineteenth century, scribbling by candlelight, trying to capture eternal truths of the human soul. Perhaps one day I can be like them; until then I will hashtag and retweet everything I can to promote xenophobia and resurgent cultural reaction in an attempt to undermine postwar liberal order and wait for small amounts of money to materialize in my account.
Actually, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism.