I know this is the feeling-out period between voters and all six hundred of the 2020 Democratic contenders, but Pete Buttigieg just took himself out of the running in my mind with an absolutely SICKENING comment at the Iowa State Fair this week.
While holding court at the Cedar County fairgrounds, Mayor Pete laid out his policy plans for rural America and spoke of his time as mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He also ate all the customary fair food, rode rides, signed autographs and fielded any and all questions from those in attendance.
Including a question about the designated hitter in baseball.
What Pete Buttigieg had to say about the DH struck me to my core and brought such an immediate physical reaction that I found myself lunging for the nearest trash can to empty my insides, praying that I misheard him.
“I feel you ought to have to play both parts of the game,” Buttigieg said, according to Politico.
Please… please God no… before now I had somewhat of a rooting interest in Buttigieg. His meteoric rise on the national stage intrigued me. I wanted to hear what he had to say, wanted to see what he could do on the campaign trail and in the many Democratic debates to come.
But to support abolishing the designated hitter in baseball? There’s no coming back from this. It’s not just a political blunder. It’s a horrifying viewpoint that has no place in our society, and it shows Buttigieg is just another member of an elite cabal that aims to destroy the world as we know it.
The designated hitter is the best innovation baseball has ever produced, and the National League is a joke for trying to hide behind “the tradition” of pitchers batting .083 for the season and walking up to the plate with their batting helmets on backwards, holding the bats upside down. Being subjected to pitchers attempting to bat is nothing short of a war crime.
To spit in the face of the designated hitter, to turn your back on big, beefy hitters who mash majestic dingers and make the game of baseball significantly better… I would have preferred Buttigieg to promise that he’d launch ten random nukes to ten randomly selected cities on his first day in office.
You fucked up, Mayor Pete. You chose your side, showed your true colors. I – and all the baseball fans out there who share even a modicum of common sense – will never forget this.