Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Dr. Anthony Fauci
Medical personnel putting their own lives on the line to save others
Journalists speaking truth to power
Science teachers
Everyone who did everything they could to keep from contracting the virus, for both their own good, and the good of those who are compromised
Dog lovers
People who just go ahead and pick up the trash at the playground and throw it away instead of saying, “Well, I didn’t put it there.”
The Super Friends
Cat lovers
The cast of Friends
This guy at my gym (before it closed) who said he’s “not scared” and wouldn’t wipe down the dumbbells
Fox & Friends
All the men who’ve told me I’d be prettier if I smiled
CPAC attendees
CPAC backstage pass holders
CPAC speakers, minus the president
The people who leave the trash on the playground in the first place
Pro basketball players who mockingly touch all the microphones after a press conference
People who call it the “Chinese virus”
People who say God created this virus to bring us closer together
The old lady at my orthodontist’s office (before it closed) who said the Democrats created the virus in a lab
Megachurch leaders who continue to hold services in person because they aren’t “pansies”
The hand sanitizer hoarder dude
Donald J. Trump