All that working, or not working, for the foreseeable future means one thing: you deserve a spa day! Let’s make this quarantine chill without getting the chills!
Here are some hot tips to stay relaxed and looking good while everything you’ve ever known turns into a dumpster fire!
Using a candle or flame of any sort with whatever scent you want, you’ll instantly transform any room into a getaway of your choosing. Be it lavender, lemon, sage, or the comforting scent of Lysol wipes as you clean your favorite outdoor gear to go glamping with your gal pals, we assure you the best getaway will be in your mind.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a spa classic; too bad no one is supposed to touch you during this pandemic! For a great no-touch massage, feel free to rub up against the corner of your roommate’s doorway for a deep tissue experience like no other. Feeling a bit lonely with no masseuse? Get a friend on Zoom to mime giving you a massage.
Light Therapy
Light therapy is when you stand near any artificial lights to get their healing effect. The treatment is all the rage with celebrities as it helps treat seasonal depression. Never before has something so high-end been accessible to literally anyone who pays an electric bill (or can afford one for the next week)! Lucky for you, light therapy can be done in the comfort of your own home! With a simple flickering of the light switch, transform your mood with this highly sought-after routine.
(Note: We are not responsible for any seizures or blindness that may occur.)
Sensory Deprivation
Celebs love their sensory deprivation tanks, and now you can have a cheaper, sadder version of this! Fill up your tub with some lukewarm water and haul three pounds of Morton salt into the bathroom and you’ve got yourself the same experience – kinda sorta – that those stars line up for!
Facials are a pampering fave! Normally we’d suggest an avocado or a coffee ground mask, but due to rationing in these uncertain times, we’ve suggested you do a simple soap mask. With just soap and water, you can achieve the bare minimum by giving your pores the love they need after a hard week’s Netflixing and panicking at home with your cat.
For a fun twist, take whatever liquids remain at your local bodega in the aftermath of the grocery hoarders, mix them together, and rub it in! Aquaphor and chocolate ended up on my face, and I broke out for only three days after – so worth it!
Purell Body Treatment
Maybe you’re stressed because you didn’t win the fight for a pack of toilet paper at your local grocery store; that’s why you should indulge in this world-renowned hand sanitizer body treatment! Just squeeze a large dollop and rub all over your sexy bod to feel the results. The added Vitamin E will keep your skin silky smooth and soft to the touch (although no one can touch you anymore because it could literally result in death).
We know times are tough, which is why now is the moment for you to relax as much as you possibly can! Indulge in these routines and mellow out to the sounds of your married neighbors arguing over whose turn it is to go to the grocery store and whether they should watch Contagion again.
But no matter what happens, at least we’ve got our flawless glowing bods!