Email greetings are tricky – especially during a worldwide crisis! Starting your message with an effortless salutation while acknowledging a most haunting sickness is certainly a tough nut to crack.
Here are some greetings you can use to help kickstart your note as our fragile existence hangs in the balance.
Formal Greetings
1. Hope this email finds you healthy and well!
Informal Greetings
2. Hope this email finds you alive.
3. Hope you had a nice weekend of sitting in your parked car, hands on the wheel, tears in your eyes, thinking of all the places you can’t go.
4. I’m reaching out with a funny article in these dark and unforgiving times. Read it and all of your worries are guaranteed to go away.
5. It’s great to hear from you on email, rather than Facebook, where you posted a link to a coronavirus conspiracy and commented “Just sayin… makes you think…”
6. Happy day 31 of trying to FaceTime your parents, getting frustrated, and calling them instead.
7. I’m eager to get your advice on how to write coherent sentences while a deadly virus lays waste to humankind. Apologies for any typos!
8. Thanks for the quick response. Please do not expect the same from me.
9. Thanks for the update, but I’m well aware of the case count.
10. Thanks for getting in touch. Touch. Oh, how I long for a human’s touch.
11. Sorry to bombard you but basic email etiquette is no longer important to me.
12. Sorry for the delay but I was making a doomsday pillow fort bunker with my cat. He has since betrayed me, forcing me to relinquish control of said bunker. If you’re reading this, please send help and band-aids.
13. Wild times, huh?
Formal Follow-up Greetings
14. Just following up on this. Hope you’re doing well and staying safe!
Informal Follow-up Greetings
15. My sweet, sweet (insert name). You have not responded in fifty-three minutes. Just checking in, as I am fearing the worst.