Because we can never resist a good doodle, we’re kicking off a new series here at Robot Butt where we interview our growing stable of cartooning contributors. Today, we’re talking with Justin Cannon, who is a real dual threat, having also contributed written pieces to RB:
1. What’s your process for coming up with and drawing your comics?
Not sure I claim this as a real process, but I go from stupid thought to rough sketch to showing friends to finished cartoon.
2. What materials do you use to draw (pens, tablet, etc.)?
I get most of the way there with pen and paper before adding final touches in Photoshop. I’m just bad enough at drawing and at Photoshop for it to work. Sort of.
3. What are your biggest comic influences?
Just about every single New Yorker cartoonist. That and Dilbert, probably.
4. During this time of self-quarantine, have you been drawing more or less? Are you finding it harder or easier to come up with ideas?
I’ve been drawing more than I have in a while but it’s all nervous, unintelligible chicken scratch. Haven’t gotten to anything usable yet. Maybe by the time we’re allowed outside I’ll have the focus and determination I need to sit inside and get some actual drawing done.