Don’t complain that I’m late getting up this morning because you didn’t force me to go to bed earlier last night.
My teacher says it’s good to start the day happy. If you want me to start off on the right foot, I should eat what I want… and I want chocolate marshmallows.
Doing chores takes time away from homework. Don’t you want me to focus on my studies and do better in school?
Screen time actually helps me learn. Who’s going to teach me how to origami a dragon? You can’t even make a paper airplane.
It’s your job to set boundaries and for me to test them. After all, I’m only eleven years old! What do I know?
Being quarantined is actually great for you. You don’t have to drive me to school so you can spend time getting me snacks. Besides, you do need the exercise.
You should stop drinking alcohol! It kills brain cells and I’m not sure you can afford to lose anymore.
Are you sure you should be the one to help me with my homework? Is there someone else we can call?
When I fight with my brother, aren’t you to blame? After all, you had him.
Do you really remember what you were like when you were my age? Really? You can’t even remember what you ate two nights ago.
Comparing me to my brother doesn’t work. It just makes me feel worse and want to kill him.
I really should have a phone. While you’re too busy reading your phone, I can text you to get me before I’m abducted and sold into slavery.
Tonight’s meatloaf was not your best work. I’m offering constructive criticism and, besides, you’re always encouraging me to speak my mind!
Screaming “DID YOU HEAR ME?!” is not a good way to communicate. I ignored you the first time to teach you a lesson.
After eating a huge dessert, don’t force me to go to bed early. I may shit the bed, which you would have to clean.