WASHINGTON – Health officials at the Democratic National Committee have issued an alert to registered voters across the United States, warning about the growth of a novel virus known to result in Medicare For All (M4A-1). According to experts, individuals infected with the virus have an “excessive and unhealthy interest in guaranteeing medical care to all humans as a right.”
The DNC has been working closely with CNN, MSNBC and other mainstream media outlets to curb the spread of the disease, which has reached pandemic proportions. An estimated forty million cases have already been confirmed in the U.S., but experts say there are likely many more that remain undocumented.
“M4A can be difficult to diagnose at first,” DNC Chairman Tom Perez warned. “In the beginning, a lot of patients display symptoms similar to those of a common public option stomach bug. But then it turns out to be something more dangerous. We’re concerned that, if enough Democrats are left untreated for this, it could lead to a full-blown single-payer healthcare system.”
Researchers are studying the virus at length to better understand its workings and to find a cure. While its source is still unknown, some speculate that the disease could be of Russian origin, citing the resemblance of late-stage victims to Vladimir Putin.
Although the trajectory is grim, experts have found that some individuals may be immune to the disease, and this is an encouraging sign. Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have both tested negative for the virus and shown strong resistance to it. Scientists believe it may be possible to develop a vaccine by extracting antibodies from those who have a natural ability to withhold health care from other human beings.
For now, the DNC has issued a series of guidelines to minimize risk of contracting Medicare for All. The organization recommends avoiding unofficial news sources and steering clear of large crowds of Democratic socialists, who are believed to be the most contagious.
“Certain types of individuals are particularly unsafe to be around and can lead to the proliferation of free radicals,” a health expert for the DNC said. “If you’ve been in contact with a free radical of any kind and start to lean further left than normal, please see one of our specialists right away.”
The DNC recently opened five hundred clinics around the country in order to treat and monitor the disease. Doctors have been advised to look for a variety of warning signs, including irrational, idealistic thinking, a sudden urge to eliminate private insurance, and voluntary or involuntary movements for change.