- These beans that are refried possess splendor of flavor. Do not commit the travesty of forgoing procurement of the large can. This ensures enough for young wards Periwinkle and Arabella to partake in that fiesta dip you so deftly prepare.
- Like strands of freshly cut grass fluttering about one’s windswept visage, the shredded cheese awaits pouring of itself all over your face between midnight and witching hour. The late-night snack will be devoid of dairy if you skip this item. And remember, Periwinkle and Arabella will want this topper to fiesta dip.
- This line calls for that so slight, precious of meats, almost translucent with its thinness. Yes, sliced turkey is needed for that ever-so stalwart of repasts on noonday. A celebration of the illustrious Earl himself, the sandwich you unveil for lunch break requires such delicate lunchmeat.
- The taquito, poetic in name, sumptuous in taste, cannot be avoided. A nook in your freezer eagerly awaits this box of sixty tortilla-rolled beef magnanimity. Like a thick-pocketed charity board at the cash box of St. Paul’s, these elegant little carb-wrapped proteins give willingly to your taste buds, whether warmed in the hearth of microwave, oven, or oiled pan.
- Occasionally young Periwinkle and Arabella need their greens, so it is wise to pick up a good plenty of that nose-wrinkling, but oft-compatible vegetable known as broccoli. Don’t forget, if enough of the aforementioned strands of shredded cheese is procured, one can always concoct cheese and broccoli soup, or if merely playing the dilettante, one can sprinkle the addictive dairy over steamed or grilled green veggie – that pesky, yummy, broccoli.
- Oh, it may as well be the 5th of May, for we must continue with another fine addition from our sombrero-donning friends across the seas. Let us not ignore obtainment of Tostitos, particularly with moniker salsa verde. Though young Periwinkle and Arabella are devout munchers of said chip, it is you who covet this singular crunch most of all. You have the exquisite dip, now you must have the anticipatory crisp, that is: the Tostito green salsa chip.
- We shall not abhor all things with French names. Bygones are bygones after all, and the La Croix is not a refreshing low-cal beverage to be scratched from the list. Indeed, passionfruit, mango, key lime, lime, and even, dare I say it, pamplemousse shall help you and the wee ones wash down the spice, that stubborn strand of cheese, that stubborn bean. Pairs well with taquitos and Tostitos alike, and will even let you tolerate that broccoli. Enjoy the essence of the tropics with these drinks, as if the Baja coast were canned in your hand, while Periwinkle and Arabella make sandcastles and you gaze out at imaginative sun-capped waves, instead of quotidian London fog.