“To bolster its ailing alcohol industry, Japan’s National Tax Agency has kicked off a contest inviting those ages 20 to 39 to submit ideas for encouraging people to consume more alcohol.” New York Times

Slogan Entries:
It’s Hot Girl Fall-Down!!
Relax, Now You Have A Life Plan!
Cute Sober, Doable Drunk
FILL THE HOLE!! (featuring Toshiro Mifune as Yojimbo)
Congratulations! You’ve Advanced to the Bonus Round!
You Call That Shit-Faced?
You ARE the Gross National Product
Dated Quality, Married Quantity
YOLO: You Only Liver Once
This Year, Be the “Wacky Drunk Friend”
Enough Enough!!
Your Novel Is Just Five Sakes From Here
Text the Sitter. It’s Drunk Mom Thursday!
Irish AF!
SINGLE? NO!!! DOUBLE!!! (featuring Toshiro Mifune as Yojimbo)
Sober = Suspicious
It’s Easier Drunk!
A Generation Walks Into A Bar…
I Find Your Lack of Plum Wine Disturbing (featuring Darth Vader)
Heroes Wake Up On a Cool Tile Floor
It’s Not The Family Problem Anymore!
Disrupt Yourself!
You’re Getting Very Thirsty…
A Cooler You Lives at the Bottom of this Glass
Did I Drink Enough for My Country Tonight?
Urine Good Company!
Less Brain, More Elbow!!!
You’ll Never Be Able To Drink As Much As China
Eating is Cheating!
Take One for the Team! For Breakfast!
Don’t Just Talk About Hitting Bottom
Sloppy Hot!!!
INHIBITIONS, DIE!!! (featuring Toshiro Mifune as Yojimbo)