Indiana Jones and The Colostomy Bag of Doom
Indiana Jones and The Gates of The Walk-In Bathtub
Indiana Jones and The Ruins of The Adult Diaper
Indiana Jones and The Tribe of The Stained Pajamas
Indiana Jones and The Shuffleboard Crusade
Indiana Jones and The Raiders of The Last Chocolate Pudding
Indiana Jones and The Sacred Housecoat
Indiana Jones and The Dentures of Kathmandu
Indiana Jones and The Tale of The Golden Walker
Indiana Jones and The Lost Erection
Indiana Jones and The God of Canned Peaches
Indiana Jones and The Angina Nemesis
Indiana Jones and The Saggy-Assed Idol
Indiana Jones and It’s Those Darn Nazis Again
Indiana Jones and The Stairlift of Solomon’s Mine
Indiana Jones and The City of the Shuffling Slippers
Indiana Jones and The Flight of The Early Bird Special
Indiana Jones and The Curse of The Carnival Cruise
Indiana Jones and The Temple of The Arthritic Monkey
Indiana Jones and The Now Where Did I Put My Glasses