Rivers Cuomo, frontman of alternative rock group Weezer, confirmed today the rumors that had been circulating about the band’s new project for 2023, called Weezer 365, in which the band will release a new album every day of the year.
It is a follow-up to Weezer’s ambitious 2022 project SZNZ, in which the band will have released four EPs throughout the year, one named for each season. When asked about the genesis of the Weezer 365 project, Cuomo said, “Well, ever since I wished on that monkey’s paw back in 1994 when we were just starting, I haven’t had much say in what the band does. That’s where Satan comes in.”
When asked for comment, Satan said of the new project, “I just like fucking with those guys, honestly. I made them dress up like idiots for that Buddy Holly video, I forced them to feature Lil Wayne on that godawful track from Raditude, and I made their biggest hit of the last decade a cover of a song that was released 40 years ago. So I was like, ‘How can I make them suffer even more? Why not make them release 365 albums next year?’”
Cuomo has confirmed that Satan, in a rare act of mercy, has allowed them to begin work on the albums this year. “Yeah, we have been working on the new stuff for a bit now while we’re on tour just so we’ll be able to see our families a little bit next year,” Cuomo says. “It starts off pretty optimistic and peppy with our upcoming album on January 1st. The lead track off that one is called ‘Happy New Year’ and it is really bright and happy.”
Cuomo says the material later in the year will take a darker turn, even darker than the band’s iconic 1996 album Pinkerton. “By March 15th the material gets a little more difficult. The lead single from that album is probably going to be ‘My Life Is Hell (Why Did I Wish on That Goddamn Monkey Paw?)’”
The lead single from the March 15th album is by far Weezer’s most experimental work to date. At the two-minute mark in the song, Cuomo breaks down sobbing and repeatedly curses God for allowing him to have been born. The bridge is just him begging for drummer Pat Wilson to drive a sharpened drumstick through his head and end his suffering.
Asked if he thinks fans will be burnt out with so much new material coming next year, Cuomo said, “The fans? Are you asking me about the fans? I am being forced to do Satan’s bidding and you’re asking about our fucking fans?”
Cuomo then abruptly ended the interview to return to the studio to begin work on their upcoming LP April 11th with a scintillating new track called, “Fuck This Interviewer He Can Rot i Hell Like Me,” a nine-minute-long spoken word track with more expletives than guitar solos, a sign that Weezer is moving in exciting and new directions.
Weezer 365 will be available for streaming beginning next year with vinyl versions of all 365 albums available for pre-order at satanicrecords.com.