ZOMBIE: You crave slob behavior and are ready to give up on life. Unable to accept praise about your disheveled, rotting appearance, you answer, “Nice costume!” with, “What costume?”
WITCH: You prioritize a need for acceptance over originality. Manipulative and scheming, you wish you could cast a spell on any mean girl who says, “With that nose, it really was Sandra’s only option.”
BATMAN: Bored with who you’ve become, you’re desperate to recapture an air of mystery. Only by concealing your dad bod can you avenge the death of your youth, career, and/or marriage.
ROBIN: You’re a middle management type stripped of all self-esteem and leadership qualities. Your lack of genitalia is both shameful and liberating.
BANANA: You’re the attention-seeking office joker type with an ego that bruises easily. Uncomfortable in your own skin, you have a tendency to bend to the will of others.
SHE-DEVIL: Nothing says sexually repressed with a feeling of inadequacy like a red spandex swimsuit and a glittery hairband with horns. Your little three-pronged devil-fork is often used to spear tear-soaked French fries.
GHOST: Inherently lazy, you’re an anti-social introvert who’s often full of regret — such as, “If only I’d made an effort to cut eyeholes in this sheet.” If it’s a fitted sheet, you’re also inherently stupid.
SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS: You often feel out of your depth but enjoy your own company. Which is fortunate as you definitely live alone and always will.
GIANT INFLATABLE PENIS: You display great self-awareness and are not afraid to reveal your true self.