111 – Intuition
Oh, so you think it’s time for a new beginning, huh? Maybe you could begin doing your own laundry. Maybe you could begin looking for an apartment already.
222 – Alignment
Look at this, there’s a sign on the window saying, “Help Wanted, apply inside.” Talk about luck. You need a job, don’t you?
333 – Support
Do we not pay for everything around here? Your food, your videogames, your drinks when you go out with your old high school friend once a month? Remind me, which medical school did he just graduate from?
444 – Protection
Did your grandparents live through World War II just for you to laze around all day? They’re rolling in their graves watching you fritter your life away playing on the internet.
555 – Change
That’s it, you’re doing your own laundry from now on. I don’t want to know what these stains are.
666 – Reflection
Maybe if you had majored in something like engineering in college you wouldn’t be living at home still.
777 – Luck
Oh, so you got a job as a cashier at the grocery store? How nice, good thing we spent $100k on sending you to your dream liberal arts college.
888 – Balance
Oh, so this big shot made their first check in two years that wasn’t provided by the government. How about that. Maybe you can find an apartment now.
999 – Release
We’re moving to a condo in Florida. There’s no guest room. See you for the holidays.