10. Will Smith Slaps Mel Brooks Over Hancock Dig (2025)
Will Smith got himself in hot water again when he interrupted Mel Brooks’ Lifetime Achievement Award acceptance speech. The Wild Wild West actor got up and slapped the 93-year-old Brooks after he commented, “Superhero movies are all the rage these days. I still don’t like Hancock. That one was a miss for me.”
9. Meryl Streep Does a Sick-as-Hell Kickflip to Cure Cancer (2029)
Streep, 79 at the time, went up to accept her fourth Oscar, only to instead say, “If I hit this sticky gnarr you all have to donate a million dollars to cancer research.” The room laughed at first, then gasped as the icon did, in fact, hit a kickflip off the stage and skate right out of the room. The moment was then made unforgettable when Hollywood hunk and gentlemen Bradley Cooper went row by row making sure everyone in attendance donated. The show’s broadcast ran five hours late that year.
8. Seth Rogen Offers Daniel Day-Lewis a Joint, Gets Smoked Out (2032)
We all remember when show host Seth Rogen tried to make Day-Lewis uncomfortable by offering him a lit joint, only to find out that DDL doesn’t play around and will put you in the ground. The entire room was standing when the former Best Actor winner ripped the entire spliff in one drag, then presented the next award despite not being asked.
7. Patrick Star Fired From Hosting After Panty Raid Video Goes Viral (2030)
Comedian-actor Patrick Star was set to be the big show’s host until unsettling footage from 2003 came out of Star participating in a panty raid with his friends. Luckily, fellow comic actor Kevin Hart was ready and willing to take over as host.
6. The Rock Announces Presidential Bid During Best Actor Acceptance Speech (2027)
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson surprised no one when he officially declared he would be running for president. His win, for his portrayal of real-life IRA rebellion leader and later Irish Minister of Justice Michael Collins, however, shocked everyone.
5. Mobile Game Wins Best Animated Feature Film (2031)
Heads were turned when hit smartphone game Subway Surfers won Best Animated Feature. During his acceptance speech, head game developer Sylvester Rishøj Jensen insistently questioned the choice, saying, “This game came out in 2012! It is not a film! Stop clapping! What is wrong with you people?” The freak-out appeared to be ready to go on longer, but luckily the iconic play-off music swelled up and drowned it out.
4. Joe Biden Recreates Clint Eastwood Chair Video (2026)
In a weird, never-followed-up-on stunt, the former president aired a video where he critiqued an empty chair, representing Barack Obama, while maybe even endorsing Mitt Romney. When asked if he felt like the video was inspired by his own, Eastwood said, “Am I in the in memoriam this year?”
3. Crash Wins Best Picture, Again (2034)
We don’t have any idea what the Academy was thinking with this one. Even the film’s producers and director looked really uncomfortable accepting the award. The chorus of booing almost covered the director’s short speech of, “We don’t know why they did this. They insisted that it would be different this time. They said everyone loved the movie now. My wife is divorcing me. We begged them not to do this!”
2. President Matthew McConaughey Slams Political Opponent Dwayne Johnson During Best Actor Acceptance Speech (2031)
After winning his fifth Oscar, this time for playing hero pilot Sully Sullenberger better than any actor before him, McConaughey took time from his speech to fire shots at Johnson, saying, “He has about as much chance of beating me in the polls as he did tonight, and that’s about no chance.”
1. Dame Judi Dench Slams Yard-Long Margarita During Opening Monologue (2035)