Being witnessed by people after the last band had finished playing at a show near the fairgrounds, late Saturday night it was rumored that your stoner friend had just now reported that “society was just too dependent on technology” and that “we’re turning into a population of drones and robots. We really are.”
As most of the crowd at Saturday’s outdoor show had dissipated, many audience members had collected near the parking lot area where a few had lit cigarettes, started impromptu “tailgate after-parties” and just generally gathered for an after-show hangout. It was there that some had heard parts of the report, which mainly focused on the fact that, “society as a whole is getting more and more attached to, like, technology, and cell phones, dude. They really are. I see people all day staring at their screens like robots, man. It’s scary. We’ve already got, like, AI and shit creeping into some parts of our lives. We don’t need, like, another part of society who’s just, like, too into their tech stuff, dude. It’s scary. I go out and, like, every person has some sort of electronic contraption on their, like… on their person. They aren’t even paying attention to what they’re doing, like, in the fucking moment, dude.”
Some of the crowd who had turned an ear to the report midway through, then noticed it had taken a personal turn when your stoner friend then expressed concern for “my cousin, dude, he’s like 6, dude, and he’s got… his parents bought him, like, his own tablet on top on the iPhone he’s already got; can’t put it down. He’ll cry… throw a fucking fit when someone takes it away. I’ve even seen, like, 3-year-olds, dude… mesmerized by their contraptions, dude.”
As much of the crowd had disintegrated from the after events, the report then took a very bleak outlook as your friend took a huge hit from the bong in his truck and concluded that, “advertisers have taken advantage of this tech obsession shit” and that “they’re all spying on us, bro.”