Ahh, the tuna. A delicious sandwich ingredient and an even more delicious pet. But what makes the tuna so unanimously irresistible in both the deli and our hearts? This list will explore every reason why the tuna is 2023’s hottest trending pet:
- There are 15 different types of tunas, which means you have plenty of opportunity to choose the tuna that fits perfectly into your lifestyle. For example, the yellowfin tuna is popular among those that are always on the go, while the black skipjack tuna is a much more chill, laid back kind of fish.
- Tunas eat a lot of food. I mean a lot. Whenever you feed your pet tuna and stare wide-eyed in amazement at the sheer volume of food that it consumes, you’ll ponder your own dietary habits and feel a lot less guilty about tapping into that third bag of Doritos last night.
- Tunas are aggressive, vicious fighters. If you play your cards right with your pet tuna, he might teach you a few moves. You’ll be intimidating strangers outside your local pub in no time.
- Most tunas are born with the ability to speak Arabic. Finally you have a translator to make those dinners with your husband’s family in Lebanon significantly less awkward.
- Tuna are at risk of extinction, which means that breeding them in mass quantities in your garage is good for the planet while acting as a fulfilling hobby. Once you have a good collection of baby tuna on hand, you can start selling them on the black market, which will provide some much needed pocket money during these trying times.
- A tuna is a much better listener than your parents, spouse, siblings, and even your favorite cousin. You can divulge all of your troubles to your new pet tuna and he will listen with an open heart and mind and always provide you with some very sound advice.
- If you adopt a large amount of tuna, let’s say at least 14, you can name each one of them Jordan and that will give them a strong sense of community and familial bonding.
Don’t forget- the tuna is an incredibly proud creature, which means that if you put silly hats on your beloved fish during the holiday season he will likely kill you in your sleep. We hope that this list highlights a few of the variety of reasons why adopting a tuna is the right move. Good luck with your new pet!