Remember when Elon Musk wanted to buy The Onion and then started his own comedy site that immediately failed? Surely he’s ready to get hurt again. What are the odds we can get him to notice us and give us a couple million?
I know we definitely missed the boat and the boom on sites like this was like a decade ago when CollegeHumor wasn’t a gameshow network, but come on, surely we can still pull it off. We just gotta write something controversial and have it go viral enough that he comments “interesting” or “you are saying the truth” under it. That can’t be that hard, can it? I can write at least one article about his cars that isn’t also about Robocop probably.
Or we just need to make him think it’d be funny to do it, and let’s be honest, it would! It would be a gratuitous waste of wealth for an unworthy cause just “for the lols.” How has he not done it already without me asking?
We have two editors here. I’m only looking for a cool million each. It’s a steal! He’d get our site, all the famous hit posts, and our cute little robot guy. All we would get in return is a measly two million human dollars.
Elon, I’m serious.