Hey guys, Damian here with Robot Butt Guides—hoooope you beautiful people are doing well today. We just whipped up an absolutely BROKEN new character build for your pupils to delicatize. The devs are always keeping the playerbase on their toes with new updates and 2024 is no different! Fear not. Robot Butt has you covered. All our recommendations are balanced for the current meta, post-COVID patches and bug fixes taken into account. Let’s jump in.
Life Path
Slum Dog
Middle Class / American South
Middle Class / West Coast
Middle Class / Massachusetts
Exiled Socialite
Tip: This one is pretty straightforward. Some people like the challenge of starting on the Slum Dog life path, but you will simply never be as competitive. 98.3% of players in the current meta start on Middle Class / Massachusetts.
Tip: There is a misconception that pairing anything other than “White”with the Middle Class / Massachusetts life path activates an invisible x0.5 Opportunity effect multiplier that stacks with your others, but we’ve verified this isn’t true. With White you immediately open the Security Blanket skill tree without having to buy the perk, so that enviable Second Wind (Finances) skill is in sight—and that’s surefire.
Sex Assigned at Birth
Gender Identification
Tip: What players call the“double-M” of Male and Man gives you access to the Social Recognizability perk, another free effect that will help you save your pool of perk points for more important traits. The downside to Man is you will also be saddled with a trait called Baldness, a bleeding effect that does slow damage to your Social Integrity. More on that later.
Spiritual But Not Religious
Eastern Religion
Tip: It’s unfortunate you can only pick one of these, since obviously you want to be well-rounded. Note that, since you are White, Male, Man, “Eastern Religion” is available to you, but you will risk crossing the Over-Education Threshold. Cover as many bases as possible with “Spiritual But Not Religious.”
Political Affiliation
Enlightened Skeptic
Tip: This will give you cheap Social Integrity points as long as you stay in Man, Male circles, but will do harm to your Social Integrity everywhere else. Though this is a sacrifice, it shouldn’t negatively affect your overall outcomes, which is why we’ve chosen it. Indifferent is too neutral, and the extremes will make your Social scores too inconsistent.
Eyes: Blue
Face: Anglo 5 or Anglo 7
Facial Hair: 5 O’Clock Shadow
Texture: Straight
Color: Brown
Style: Short Quaff
Top: Untucked Flannel or Henley
Bottom: Jeans, Middle Blue
Shoes: Steve Madden
12 Perk Points Available:
*Un-divorced Parents – 1 (exclusive to Middle Class life path)
*Confidence – 1 (this perk’s cost varies depending on Race)
Devil’s Advocate – 1
Own Sunglasses – 1
Social Media Taste – 2
Extroversion – 3
Mild Alcohol Tolerance – 2
Self-Help Book Library – 2
Financial Instincts – 3
Bachelor’s Education – 4
Master’s Education – 5
Doctoral Education – 8
Resistance to Bald – 7
Security Blanket – 5
Über Alcohol Tolerance – 4
Self-Awareness – 6
*Respect for Women – 5 (exclusive to Male, Man players)
Good at Math – 3
Savant – 12
What we Recommend:
Devil’s Advocate – 1
Bachelor’s Education – 4
Resistance to Bald – 7
Tip: Herein most of the controversy lie. Everyone’s got an opinion on how to use your perk points, but this is undoubtedly the best arrangement. Because you chose Middle Class / Massachusetts, White, Man, Male, you’re accumulating latent social multipliers that basically let you cheat around the need for perks like Confidence and Extroversion. It’s more worthwhile for you to invest in Resistance to Bald, since the Baldness effect is doing the most damage to your Social Integrity.
Tip (Cont’d): Strong Social Integrity also opens skill trees that you would otherwise need to access by pouring all your points into education. Though education is a common strategy, it’s expensive and you run the risk of crossing the Over-Education Threshold—we’re really betting on Social Integrity in this build. You’re better off taking Bachelor’s Education into a tech field. And even then, don’t worry about the fact that you can’t afford Good at Math. You’ll make up for it with the big Social boost from Resistance to Bald, and then have room for a cheap Devil’s Advocate, which lets you feign intelligence. There’s talk the devs might re-balance this one in the future, but if that happens, we recommend putting points into Own Sunglasses for another Social gimme.
And that’s the scoop, you beautiful gamers! We hope this helps y’all out with the current state of things. Some of our reccs are sure to change later in the 2024 season, especially with the election (hope the devs don’t throw us another curve-ball!), but this should be a solid foundation. Check back with us next week for Jake Russo’s article on how to cheese Thea the Third-Round Interview!