Hey Tracy,
I know we are supposed to deliver the mock-up for the Mexi-Cal burrito window banner on Friday, but we finalized it this morning so I thought why not send it over a day early! Can’t wait to get your thoughts. We followed everything listed in your style guide and made sure to highlight the ingredients you listed as “notable” in your deliverables email. I’m sure you’ll love it, but we are happy to make any minor adjustments you might want (font, color choice, Kerning, etc.).
Just in case you love it so much that this is our last correspondence, I wanted to quickly thank you again for giving us a shot on this project. As a small and fairly new agency, it has been hard to get our foot in the door with many national brands such as yourself, and I know our work here is going to get noticed by a lot of prospective clients.
Thanks again,
Match/Cut Inc.

J.J., me boy!
The winds must be fair today for an old sea dog like me ta be gettin’ a message from ya with such a fine, distinguished piece of marketing. Lubbers and sailors alike will be scramblin’ towards seaside towns to jam one of these fine vittles in their port holes, if ya know what I mean (the mouth, of course!). If’n I had to have one suggestion for ye, I think we need to hoist the main sails of safety, if you catch my drift. Fine folks on the open sea are oft wary of danger, and don’t make haste to trust strange new burritos. Let’s stamp a few more things on there such as “no curses!” and perhaps a “dog approved!” to really let the crew know that they won’t be meetin’ Davy Jones after a trip down to burrito shore. As it happens, I also have a fondness for that little lad in the corner, there. Let’s get him on a flag as quick as ye can!
May the Wind be at your Back,
Captain of the Raven’s Claw