They REALLY didn’t want to do it.
I built real website and found the only grocery vendor group in the U.S. willing to ship Bologna on a direct to customer basis. They stressed to me this was a bad idea both financially and health-wise.
My “friend” Kevin works at this agency and it’s my understanding that he makes A LOT more money than me. We were both at a social event (Susan B.’s wedding) and he wouldn’t stop talking about his cool job and how they just got to do a full campaign for the Motorola Edge 40. They mostly do tech stuff. He wouldn’t shut the fuck up about how the Motorola Edge 40 can do a split screen web feature allowing you to view two tabs at the same time. He pulled up a video of it on his iPhone to show us.
I decided then that it would be cool if he had to devote all of his sunshine hours to the worst deli meat. I requested a quote and was told they weren’t interested, so then I emailed their CEO and told them how much money I was willing to spend and the guy that said no to my original email was fired. This whole bit cost me around $800,000 dollars.
So sharks, that is why I am coming to you today looking for an initial investment of…