Look, I love when the rudest superhero breaks the fourth wall to let the audience (me!) know we are all on the same page. When Deadpool points out things like Marvel’s phase 4 Cinematic Universe inconsistencies or Juggernaut’s weird balls, I bleat like a goat with glee.
That said, in the new movie, when he stopped dodging beams from a giant mutant-hunting sentinel and said my full name to the camera I thought something seemed off.
After, when he waved and said “sorry pal, you get hit by a Divvy biker going way too fast on March 13th, 2028,” I really started wondering why Ryan and the team at Marvel put this scene in. What made it worse was that everyone in my packed theater was cracking up. A ton of them pointed at me while dying laughing. I have no idea how they even know who I am.
I thought maybe this was some sort of hyper-specific targeted marketing or something, but I googled it and this line is apparently in the movie all over the world. I just don’t understand. Surely it’s just a “haha so random” joke and not real, right?