Regardless of your thoughts on AI and it’s ability to instantly create a picture of Spider-man dunking a basketball over Wolverine in high heels, I truly believe we can all agree that the new Google AI feature sucks and is bad. I decided to use today’s post to basically rant about that and offer a perfect inarguable example of why it sucks and is bad.
You see, a few days ago I was trying to write a piece about how the fast food seafood restaurant Long John Silver’s used to use the slogan “We Speak Fish.” It turns out no one remembers this and it is, for some reason, nearly impossible to research the slogan or even find much evidence about about it.
I WILL crack the conspiracy of when and why this slogan was abandoned… but not today. Today, I just want to share this horseshit:

See, what really pisses me off beyond belief, is that before AI was ruining everything, this message would have made me happier than anything in the world. Finding this message in my searching would be the proof I need to show that Long John Silver’s and likely the U.S. government have tried to wipe this slogan from the Earth in some grand conspiratorial effort.
But no. This isn’t that. This isn’t interesting. This is just AI being wrong and spreading misinformation about a VITAL topic because it sucks and it is bad.
“What if you’re misremembering? What if that actually wasn’t ever their slogan?”
Shut the fuck up.

There you go. Proof I’m not crazy. Proof this is still a story worth chasing. Proof that Google’s new AI search feature is a genuine problem and actively worrisome.
I’m not joking even a little bit when I say that the next time I attempt to research this I will be using Bing and Ask Jeeves. No, not because of this AI thing. Solely because those search engines haven’t been touched since 2012 so they should have information from that era that can help me.