Some people say they’re smart, some people show it without using a single word.
Psychology tells us that there are ways to radiate intelligence not by using words, but by using non-verbal cues. Comedy has shown that some of the most proficient users of non-verbal cues are mimes. In this article, we’ll explore ten ways mimes showcase their intelligence without having to say a word, and how using their techniques can boost other’s perception of your intelligence.
1. Practice Active Listening
One of the best ways to appear smart without saying a word is through active listening. Bend sharply at your waist and lean towards the speaker as closely as possible. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows high. Place a hand behind each ear and pull the sides of your ears forward. As the other person speaks, repeatedly nod your head up and down. This demonstration of active listening will significantly boost how others perceive your intelligence.
2. Have Thoughtful Body Language
Having thoughtful body language can also show intelligence. To convey your thoughtfulness to a speaker, slowly tap your index finger on your lower lip as you stare deeply into their eyes. Place your right hand on your chin, lower your eyebrows, and frown thoughtfully. When the speaker makes a particularly good point, place your fists on each side your head, then snap them open with your fingers spread wide. This will express that your mind is blown by what they’ve said to you. People will appreciate your thoughtful and engaging silence.
3. Dress Appropriately
Research studies have shown that dressing appropriately and professionally can not only improve your performance, but also influence how others perceive your intelligence. Straighten your imaginary tie, with your right hand at the knot of the tie and your left hand holding the bottom. Use your right hand to wipe imaginary dust off of your left shoulder, and use your left hand to wipe imaginary dust off your right shoulder. Adjust your imaginary cuff links, smile confidently, and give two thumbs up. Dressing appropriately for the occasion can silently signal your intelligence to others.
4. Stay Calm Under Pressure
Staying calm under pressure displays emotional intelligence, which is a key aspect of overall intelligence. Demonstrate that you’re trapped in an imaginary glass box that surrounds you on all sides: Feel it in front of you, to your left, your right, below, and above you. Become wide-eyed with surprise. Knock on the front of the box and on the sides, then stick an index finger into the air because you suddenly remember something. Reach deeply into your pocket and pull out an imaginary key with your thumb and index finger. Put the key into the imaginary lock on the front of the box, turn it to the right, and suddenly you’re able to shake your arms and legs. Using the back of your hand, wipe the imaginary sweat off your forehead. Your cool headed intelligence has paid off once again.
5. Be Observant
Observation is a silent skill that strongly indicates intelligence. Put your right hand on your forehead, turn to the right, and scan the right side of the room. Put your left hand on your forehead, turn to the left, and scan the left side of the room. Put your imaginary binoculars over your eyes and scan the entire room. When you feel the room is safe, give the okay sign with your thumb and index finger. You can draw intelligent conclusions from simply watching and observing your surroundings.
6. Show Kindness and Empathy
It’s said that kindness is a sign of strength, but it’s also a silent indicator of intelligence. Empathy, to understand and share the feelings of others, demonstrates emotional intelligence. You see that someone is about to walk into an imaginary puddle on the ground. Stop them immediately with your right palm open to them. Point to the floor twice. Make a disgusted face, and mouth, “Puddle,” as you point to the floor three more times. Unbutton your imaginary jacket. With a flourish, place it over the imaginary puddle and smooth it out. Signal that passage is now safe by theatrically bowing to the person and the covered imaginary puddle. Your random act of empathetic kindness will not be forgotten.
7. Embrace Silence
It’s a misconception that smart people always have something to say. In reality, they often welcome silence. When silence is needed, place your right index finger over your closed lips and leave it there. If someone speaks or asks what you’re doing, pull the imaginary zipper lock on your mouth closed, lock it, and throw the imaginary key over your shoulder. If necessary, place your index fingers in your ears, close your eyes, and shake your head from side to side. Sometimes silence is truly golden.
8. Admit When You’re Wrong
Recognizing and admitting when you’ve made a mistake is a sign of emotional intelligence, maturity, and self awareness, all of which are signs of overall intelligence. Drop to your knees and make a sad crying face by opening and closing your frowning mouth as you rub your fists on the outer corners of your eyes. Quickly clap your hands together as if to pray, while mouthing, “Sorry, sorry, sorry!” Repeat until forgiven. Acknowledging your mistakes just may be the smartest thing you do.
9. Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle
A balanced lifestyle involving regular exercise, healthy eating, and time for leisure activities, shows you know the importance of taking care of your physical and mental health. To demonstrate exercise: Do three jumping jacks, then breathe heavily with your tongue hanging out of your mouth as you place your hands on your hips. To demonstrate healthy eating: Elaborately open an imaginary bag, daintily remove an imaginary napkin and tuck it into your shirt. Take an imaginary tomato sandwich out of the bag, unwrap it, and eat it by taking four bites from the left side of the sandwich to the right side. Take your imaginary napkin and gently wipe the imaginary crumbs from the corners of your mouth. To demonstrate exercise: Pick up an imaginary baseball and toss it up and down three times. Throw it into the air and hit it with the imaginary bat that materializes in your hands. Place your right hand on your forehead and watch the ball sail away. Pump both of your fists because you’ve just hit an imaginary home run. These demonstrations show that you know the coloration between a healthy lifestyle and optimal brain function.
10. Continue to Learn
The most intelligent people know that they don’t know everything – they are lifelong learners, always seeking new knowledge, skills, and experiences. Open up the imaginary laptop computer in front of you. As you frown thoughtfully at the screen, type rapidly using all ten of your fingers. Suddenly, stop typing and pick up the imaginary pencil in front of you and make research notes on the imaginary legal pad next to the laptop. Type rapidly again, then stop and check your research by pointing back and forth between the computer and the legal pad. Smile knowingly and stick an index finger into the air – now you understand. Hold both hands together and rapidly rub them in circles. Suddenly, an actual light bulb appears in your hands. Hold the light bulb over your head and smile widely. What have you been researching? Slight of hand magic. The results of your research will silently demonstrate your intelligence to the world.