SOMEWHERE WITHOUT PHONE SIGNAL – Local rest stop mechanic (and seemingly only person to exist for a hundred miles) Gus Miller sent yet another teenager to their doom today. Miller appears to be some sort of mechanic that also runs a rundown gas station off the side of a dirt road, but with the entire surrounding area having become deserted, he is often the first to point out that his real job is giving directions to teenagers looking for the old McKinnon place.
“Yeah, the whippersnappers just keep flowing in. I always tell them to turn back and to avoid that accursed house, but I’d be lying if I said my heart was really in the warnings anymore. I’ve warned thousands and they always still go. I kind of just breeze past the ‘you’re doomed’ stuff and give directions these days. The house is on multiple featured AirBnB lists and gets inherited around once a month, so at this point I just don’t see a reason to… oh, hang on just a second.”
Our interview with was cut short when a Wrangler Jeep with no roof came peeling into the gas station, full of four teens chanting “spring break spring break!”