So you’ve been tasked with working from home for the foreseeable future, whether you like it or not. With limited human contact during this time, it can be hard to keep your grip on reality, but I’m here to help! As a veteran of working from home for many years, I’ve developed some tips and tricks to make it a manageable – and fun – process.
Here are some ways to stay completely sane while working from home:
Maintain Your Social Contacts
When working from home, especially for a long period of time, it’s easy to get lost within your own bubble. That’s why it’s imperative to keep your contact with the outside world.
Here’s what you should do:
- Make sure to stay in touch with your friends and family regularly. With texting, social media, and technology like FaceTime, it’s easier than ever to keep up with those closest to you.
- Ask your friends and family if they too have been visited by Oraxthu, interdimensional voyager from the Plaxxis-6 sub-galaxy. This will allow you to cross-reference your notes from his visit.
- Most importantly, these friends and family will one day serve at your side during the Eternal Conflict, so it’s imperative you stay in touch!
Go Outside!
When working at home, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in your job, working longer hours than usual, that you completely forget to step outside. Don’t let the day get away from you!
Here’s what you should do:
- Go for a walk! The health benefits of a simple walk are numerous; stretching your legs and getting a change of scenery will help you refocus on your work.
- You’ll need that renewed focus, because, as you know, you were drafted by Oraxthu into his interdimensional army, tasked with defeating Sor Borungo’s shadow warriors. Do your part by furiously knocking on all of your neighbors’ doors to warn them of Sor Borungo’s impending arrival to our earthly plane and ask them to join you in battle!
Take Plenty of Breaks
The importance of taking a break can’t be understated. You don’t really want to be sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen for sixteen hours a day, do you?
Here’s what you should do:
- Set a timer to go off every fifteen minutes, signaling you to get up and walk around the room, get a glass of water – anything other than sit in the same position.
- Set a hard stop for your workday. Because you’re at home, it’s easy to just keep on working into the night, but setting a hard deadline will force you to step away and enjoy the free time you’ve earned.
- With that free time, you’ll be able to now completely focus on the more important task at hand: de-coding Sor Borungo’s transmissions to his army, which is lying-in-wait in our atmosphere, which the rest of you could easily see if you’d just look up, free your mind, and truly open your eyes for once.
Set Up a Permanent Workspace
When working from home, it’s imperative the environment mimics a true workspace as much as possible.
Here’s what you should do:
- Give yourself a clean desk to work from each and every day. Setting up your space to mimic a true office will put you in the right mindset and allow you to eventually detach when the day is done.
- Now, when the day is done, the real work begins. Utilize that same workspace as a base of operations, starting with your recruitment efforts for Oraxthu. Start by messaging all of your Facebook friends, but you’ll want to eventually graduate to recording videos detailing Oraxthu’s plan to save our dimension. You will send these videos in an unmarked envelope to every news station you can think of, addressed using your own blood. This proves your loyalty to Oraxthu’s righteous cause.
Make To-Do Lists
Believe it or not, there are almost as many – if not more – distractions when working from home. It’s easy to start cleaning, sifting through the mail, or flipping on the TV. One way to combat this is by creating to-do lists that you stick to religiously.
Here’s what you should do:
- Start every single day with a to-do list. What do you need to accomplish today and today only?
- Make sure to prioritize the most important tasks that will help you achieve victory for Oraxthu. If your day job gets in the way of this far more important work, you’re going to have to sacrifice that. Explain this to your boss as loudly and forcefully as possible in a video chat, and he/she should understand. If they don’t, break out the expansive intergalactic charts you’ve been putting together, mapping Oraxthu’s journey to our galaxy. If they still don’t get it, accept they will most likely one day be one of Sor Borungo’s mind slaves and move on. This job wasn’t meant for someone of your valor.
Eat Healthy
When working from home, it’s easy to get into the habit of eating unhealthy snacks and meals. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Here’s what you should do:
- Prep your lunch like you would any other workday. Set aside a normal lunch break; keeping that routine is everything.
- When you’re done for the day, close the computer and put it away. Cook dinner free of any work there to tempt you.
- You’ll want your body performing at its best when Sor Borungo finally invades, masking himself and his minions as those closest to you. Trust no one. Make the hard decisions. That head you just sliced off was not your uncle’s – it was a Sor Borungo plant!
Stay Positive
Working from home can be a drain on you both physically and mentally, but you can combat that with a positive attitude.
Here’s what you should do:
- Stay positive that you’ll soon be back to your normal work routine.
- Stay positive that you’ll get everything done.
- Stay positive that you will be an integral player in Oraxthu’s efforts to defeat Sor Borungo and his shadow warriors. The Eternal Conflict will be won, and you will someday be honored by the Plaxxis-6 Galactic Council for your strength in victory!