The caveman president has come up with a series of very reasonable laws that all cave people must abide by.

Pick Your Name:
Every cave man and cave woman need a first name and a last name. I’m Stone Rockstar. No one else is allowed to use Rock or Stone in their name
Free Fire for Everyone:
Every cave person can use fire for free but you have to buy the wood from the caveman government.
Everyone can run for cave president:
We are a democratic society and anyone can run for president but you must have been president at least once before or you have to be the son of a president.
Your cave is your castle:
Only the president can take over your cave, but not others. You can do whatever you like in your cave except criticize the president.
Throwing stones is legal:
Throwing stones at others is part of our culture and is highly recommended. But no one has the right to throw stones at the president.
We need a currency for trading stones:
From now on, we will use BTC as the currency for trading stones. BTC stands for “Bone: The Coin”. Each bone coin is equivalent to 10 medium stones.
Disrespecting fire is not allowed and will be punished:
It’s legal to use fire to heat your cave and cook your food, but Do Not make love near the fire.
Works of art are tax-exempt:
You can sell your cave paintings without paying taxes.
Clothing law:
Cover your private parts. Use leaves to cover your private parts. Do not use Cannabis leaves to cover your private parts.
Action Against false beliefs:
The wheel is only an illusion. There is no wheel and there will be no wheel. Anyone spreading rumors about the possibility of making a wheel will be stoned.
New laws on MammothDuel:
Betting on Mammoths Fighting is an important part of our culture and economy, but it requires laws and regulations.
Food over Art:
I know how much fun it is to sit by the fire and draw on the wall, but our main job is to hunt. Without food, we would go extinct.
Stop trying to hit the moon with stones:
Every night, dozens of us die from being hit in the head by stones. From now on, you will only be allowed to try to hit the moon with stones one night a month.
Take the executive orders seriously:
Those who mock the orders will be expelled from the cave city and must live in houses made of stone and wood instead of caves.