Author: Athena Anderson

Athena is currently a professional instructional designer with a multitude of hobbies and interests, including writing, photography, and world travel. She’ll try almost anything once in the spirit of adventure: she’s played with scorpions, jumped out of a perfectly functional airplane, almost been beheaded, and touched a wild mountain lion. She’s on a mission to visit every national park in the U.S. She loves the works of Monty Python, Stephen King, and Bill Bryson, as well as movies that screw with your mind, and/or have lots of explosions, cursing, and rock n’ roll. She was a PhD ecologist and college instructor in a previous life but claims to be “in recovery” from that experience. Her website is

Photo by Athena Anderson Checking In I just finished a 7-hour drive and all I want to do is collapse into a clean bed. But I’m in a relatively good mood because this is the closest I’ve had to a vacation in three years. I’m thrilled to get away from litter boxes, the guy who shares his rattling exhaust pipe noise, and the dog who barks at me from behind his door if I so much as fart while walking down the stairs. I’m here to check off another national park from my list: Cuyahoga Valley in Ohio. There’s no…

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