Author: Audrey Clark

Audrey Clark is a comedian and she's so funny and you love her. You can follow her @audreynotfunny on twitter, @audreynotphotos on instagram, or on the street in Sydney, Australia.

There’s this great bit in the bible, I think maybe in the book of Genesis or Exesis, or something. I don’t own a Bible but I’m pretty sure it goes like this. Then Pharaoh asked Joseph what these dreams meant, And Joseph, guided by the Lord, answered, That the seven fatted cows stood for seven years of bountiful harvest, And the seven gaunt and sickly cows stood for seven years of famine, which would follow after. Pharaoh heard his words, and said, Lo, he has seen the truth, For each of the seven bountiful years, let us set aside a…

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