Author: Brenna Jeanneret

To avoid adult responsibilities at all costs Brenna spends as much time as possible road-tripping with her husband and son in their VW van to rock climb. She is agented by Dan Cramer at Page Turner Lit and co-hosts the kidlit podcast You May Contribute A Verse. Find her on Twitter @Brennajeanneret

May Are you there Margaret? It’s me, Junk Drawer. So, Allan (two-A’s-two-L’s) is here a lot lately. Like he moved in or something. Ha! Can you imagine? Anyway, here’s your flint and steel–I must, I must, I must spontaneously combust. Wait, that’s not right. And neither is having a flint and steel! Ever hear of a lighter? A flint and steel is so pretentious. Why does your generation have to go out of its way to make things harder? Wait, this is Allan’s, isn’t it? Margaret, say it with me–Allan, you are not better than me! PS: Candy Hearts figured…

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