Author: Ethan Warren

Ethan Warren is a senior editor at the online film journal Bright Wall/Dark Room, and the writer/director of the 2018 independent feature film West of Her. He lives on the south shore of Boston with his wife and children.

Credit: Warner Bros. With Todd Phillips’ bleak Scorsese homage having grossed over half a billion dollars worldwide in under two weeks, Warner Brothers is racing to set up more hard-R origins for Batman villains, hoping to replicate the runaway success of this comedy veteran’s imitation of a respected auteur as filtered through a vague patina of social relevance. And thanks to our trusted insider sources, Robot Butt is pleased to present this exclusive look at WB’s planned slate of future festival darlings and awards contenders:RIDDLER (July 2020): Drawing inspiration from the austere dread of Stanley Kubrick, Paul Feig will follow his…

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