Author: Gail Mackenzie-Smith

Gail Mackenzie-Smith is a screenwriter. Her flash fiction and essays have been published in The Sun, Electric Lit, Belladonna Comedy, Defenestration, Little Old Lady Comedy, Witcraft and elsewhere. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, dog, and two coyotes who hang out in front her house every night hoping to get lucky with the cats who live across the street.

Have you dreamed of running the Department of Defense but are a lowly news anchor? Becoming The Secretary of the Navy with no military experience? The Ambassador to France and don’t speak a word of French? Pas de problème. You’ve come to the right place. January 1025 2025 brought a world of change to our kingdom country and we’re looking for loyal subjects citizens to keep that change going. You will help activate ideas and solutions to take advantage of a brave new world of opportunity. Inspired by history’s most influential leaders like Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, Steven Cheung, and…

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