These ten classic rock songs have been updated to be more fitting for the age-group that’s most likely to still be regularly enjoying them. Hey You, Get Off My Lawn Lucy’s In The Home With Dementia When I’m 84 Saturday Night’s Alright For Napping Paramedics By The Dashboard Light One Stroke Over The Line Don’t Stop Till You Get It Up Baby I Love Your Whey Purple Cane Stair Lift To Heaven And a classic that doesn’t need a title change: Dazed And Confused
Author: George Beckerman
While multi-tasking as a masseuse – give massage client ear plugs to mute callers’ screams of “Representative!!” While taking a shower- tell caller that it’s raining pretty hard. While breast-feeding – for male operators – While filling out fantasy football selections. During oral sex- (all pronouns included) – place sock in mouth of pleasure-receivers for purpose of muting guttural sounds of joy. If operator is pleasure-giver, then learn ventriloquism. During full-on fornication – partners socks- Bombas usually has some good deals online. Ocassionally remove sock to tell caller that you briefly lost the connection, speak a few words, then go back…
5:12 PM – Laura was in a hurry when she jumped out of her car and quickly strode into the supermarket to pick up some eggs. 5:15 PM – With a carton of large brown free-rangers in hand, Laura darted for the express line. But the half-dozen shoppers already assembled had the same idea. No problem. Laura chose the shortest available queue. With two ahead of her, both carrying baskets, she felt good about her choice. 5:26 PM – The same elderly woman checking out ten minutes ago, was still digging into her purse trying to find the loose change…
The End.
PROS No coffee and donuts necessary. No break room necessary. No writer’s room story and character development arguments. No writer’s room. Will not quit due to creative differences. Will not hit or hit on other writers and/or actors. Never calls in sick. No “Sorry, the dog ate my first draft”. Will not object to any studio or network script notes no matter how fucking stupid they are. Will not join a union, ergo no strikes. CONS Every tv script sounds like a Gilligan’s Island episode. In “Godfather 4”, Don Corleone’s great grandson is a cyborg. The new “Star Wars” movie…
Not many people know this but…when Neil Armstrong came down that ladder in July 1969 and took “One small step for man”, he then paused for a split second before poetically declaring “One giant step for mankind”. He felt something was askew. The recently revealed truth is, Armstrong’s hesitation was because he saw something on the lunar surface below him. Something odd. And now, the world will finally know what that was. An original McDonald’s Big Mac cardboard container. But how? According to recently unredacted top secret documents, in 1967, rumors began to surface about a space race between McDonald’s…
Very few people know this, but…Theodor Geisel, a.k.a. Doctor Seuss, and Tennessee Williams a.k.a. Tennessee Williams once decided to try a literary collaboration. It was in 1927, while working in the dining room of the Algonquin Hotel in New York City that these future pharaohs of fiction first laid eyes on each other. They were immediately bound by two things: Love of the written word and Ornithophobia, the fear of birds. When Young Theodor was a toddler, his parents rented a cottage on Cape Cod. One day, a seagull seeking nourishment for its chicks, lifted baby Theodor off of his…
A steaming pile of faketion. Not too many people know this, but….When George Washington led his Continental Army across the icyDelaware on Christmas night 1776 to launch a brazen surprise attack on Hessian mercenaries fighting for the British, the passage had to be repeated FIVE TIMES. Three in one direction, two in the other. But before we drill down, deep dive, unpack the facts, let’s use some bandwidth to upload just what led to that treacherous night. If George Washington was Jewish, his Yiddish name would be Yussel. He wasn’t, but I thought it was worth mentioning. As a child,…
A Steaming pile of faketion. Not many people know this, but…Ringo Starr and Pete Best arm-wrestled to decide who would become the Beatles’ drummer. But before we get into the details, let’s take a look at the two subjects. As a young boy in the rock and roll hotbed of Liverpool, Randolph Peter Scanland wanted a drum kit. Buthis widowed mother who worked six jobs to support her two children told her son that they couldn’tafford it. So Peter (he hated the name Randolph) taught himself to play by pounding a neighbor boy’shead with twin ball-peen hammers. After four concussions…
Jeff lives at home. Despite graduating magna cum laude after four years at a highly-regarded university,and btw, piling up a mountain of student loan debt for his trouble, the job market did not welcome himlike the second coming of…anybody. Jeff works as an intern for a large corporation. And thus, he can bereached at home in his childhood bedroom. 9 A.M. – Jeff, in hoodie and jeans, arrives at work, arms full with his daily morning coffee and donutsrun. He hands his supervisor his favorite donut, chocolate with nuts and sprinkles, anddeposits the rest in the break room. 9:12 A.M.…