Author: Matthew Kasper

Matthew Kasper lives in Baltimore. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Slackjaw, Phano, Newsweek and elsewhere. When he squints hard enough, he can see the forest for the trees.

“The probability of one chimp constructing a random sentence (from Shakespeare) comes in at one in 10 million billion billion, the research indicates.”—BBCDear colleagues,It is with a heavy heart and more than a chest thump full of frustration that I deliver some tragic news: our Grand Chimpanzee/Monkey Shakespeare Typewriter Experiment, more commonly referred to as GC/MSTE around the university, is under fire in the media. Apparently, it has something to do with a report by two Australian mathematicians who have called into question the “infinite monkey theorem.” According to their statistics, it is more likely to see someone struck by…

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