Author: Nihal Atawane

Nihal Atawane's an advertising copywriter based in Chicago, IL. When he's not hawking alcohol and carbs for brands, he writes short stories featuring both of those in copious amounts.

The following is an excerpt from the Spy Thriller Novel Weapon of Choice: A Daniel Crust Adventure. The full novel can be purchased from any B. Dalton Bookstores or Waldenbooks. Chapter 1 In the Syrian desert, it’s always noon. And that Tuesday, it felt extra noon-y. The sun shone relentlessly on the barracks as sand-caked trucks hurried past the checkpoint. Sergeants nervously inspected the carriages and kept the convoy moving. Camels grunted under the strain of their loads. You could smell the tension in the air. Or maybe it was just Arab sweat. Two grim-looking generals paced outside their makeshift…

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