Author: Olga Elliot

Olga is an NYC-based writer, teaching artist, and award-winning filmmaker. She loves telling stories, pointing out the absurdities of everyday life, and wearing Hawaiian shirts all year round.

It all started in the Adirondacks on a Saturday afternoon around 12:00 pm and ended when my Uncle Jerry royally lost his sh*t. Jerry is 47+ with firm biceps and a soft heart. The following is a timestamped account of the events that lead to his arrest. 12:14 — It’s 88°. Mom sprays sunscreen in my mouth “on accident.” 12:17 — Hugs and kisses from greasy unattractive relatives trying to “suck in my youth.” 12:35 — Serve Yourself Buffet opens. The crowd goes WILD. 12:38 — Vicious cooler struggle, I snag the last non-diet sprite. 12:40 — Somewhere a toddler skins their knee. I pop in…

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