The Oscars are Sunday night, which means it’s that special time of the year where we get to watch rich and beautiful people pat each other on the back for what feels like an eternity. But it’s also a fun time to make predictions about what will happen! So with that in mind, here are our 12 surefire predictions for the 87th Academy Awards: 1) Dan Aykroyd will roam the red carpet, trying to get someone, anyone, to listen to his new Ghostbusters sequel idea. 2) In a surprising turn, Argo will once again win Best Picture, confirming there is no God.…
Author: The Robot Butt Staff
In honor of Robot Butt’s first birthday, some of the staff decided to get together and share their favorite memories from their time with the organization. Bronson Arcuri My favorite Robot Butt memory, hands down, has to be the time B. Joseph Jackson and I put together a Robot Butt Live Show. After premiering it at a Washington, DC music and arts festival we got spotted by some producers and were invited to perform our act at Carnegie Hall. On our way there we took a pit stop in Breezewood and found an amazing act that we just knew had…
1. Brandon’s got a take-charge attitude when it comes to Legos. He also has a trust fund worth 516 full dinosaur skeletons. 2. Muriel here could buy and sell your ass 200,000 times! 3. Just think, little Miles will one day be part of a worldwide financial conspiracy you can neither comprehend nor destroy. 4. Tomiko’s learning her numbers, ABC’s and, slowly but surely, that poor people don’t work hard enough. 5. Uh oh, Kevin looks upset. I bet that $19.3 billion will help! 6. Ronald’s just having fun right now but in twenty years…
Earlier this week we received an unsolicited Valentine’s Day submission from musician, John Mayer: Hey fans! It’s me, Johnny-boy, dropping by with a soft-yet-masculine helping hand for those of you in need of some classy and unique ideas for making this Valentine’s Day as special as the person you’re spending it with. So throw out the roses and cancel those reservations, because Daddy Mayer has got you covered: Learn to play acoustic guitar and serenade your partner with the timeless classic “Your Body Is A Wonderland,” or just buy it now on Amazon™ . Rent a boat and take your…
Elementary school is a wonderful time of discovery, where your mind absorbs more knowledge than at any other point in your life. In this time, you’re also going to learn and create countless vulgarities that will stick with you for the rest of your life, and are far more important than anything taught to you in, say, third grade. Who remembers anything from that grade, anyway? So what is the ultimate elementary school swear word? What did you use to express anger or lay a sick burn down on one of your classmates? Is it one of the more inventive…
The only thing better than simply watching the Super Bowl is doing so with tons of money riding on it! And when it comes to gambling on the Super Bowl, there is no shortage of fun and bizarre prop bets to choose from. With that in mind, here are eight of the weirdest ones for Super Bowl XLIX: 1. Will Idina Menzel forgo singing the National Anthem to try an original patriotic ballad that she wrote? Yes +400 (4/1) No -600 (1/6) 2. How many times will Bill Belichick be shown shirtless on the sidelines? 0-1 +400 (4/1) 2+ -600 (1/6)…
Every year, tons of great video games get published and just as quickly fall by the wayside without ever getting the attention they deserve. Here we take a look at some games that slipped through the cracks: CRUISIN’ USSR Choose from the same car as everyone else and race down the streets of Moscow at the same speed as everyone else because we are in this together, comrade. FUNERAL: THE GAME Relive the deaths of all your favorite dead guys and find out who’s going to attend your wake. MICROSOFT OFFICE SUITE 2K15 Use the Kinect to control Clippy and…
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” – Albert Einstein Nobody knows more about the game than us, the Robot Butt team. We play it daily and always come back begging for more. Some might even say we murder the game. That’s why you come here; we’re willing to bet a billion dollars on it. So, to celebrate that which is competition, sport or “games” in the most exalted way possible, from January 26 to 30, join Robot Butt in (our) national Game Week*. Be on the lookout…
There is, allegedly, some obscure thing called “National Ass Day” that takes place every October 17, but that’s really only something created by Twitter and is therefore not an actual nationally recognized holiday. Plus, we don’t feel that butts should be relegated to just one day of recognition; every day is the perfect day to celebrate them. So to get you started on the proper path to butt appreciation, we made you a helpful playlist that is perfect for use in all settings. There are, of course, many other songs about butts. However, we’re not in the business of simply…
As a way to capitalize on your senses, many movie trailers and TV spots will simply utilize whatever song is most popular at the moment to get you interested in tuning in or going to the theater. Many times, the trailer will have already existed for months; it just shoehorns in that song you’ve begun to hear everywhere you go. Right now, that song is Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk.” Have a look for yourself at the trailers that have been using it: