The only thing more exciting than the start of a new school year is the prospect of outfitting yourself with a brand-new set of clothes. Nothing says you’re ready to shred your studies better than a fresh look – and best of all, you might just catch the eye of that special someone in the process. Sounds pretty sweet, right? Luckily, we’ve got you covered with our complete guide to all of the hottest back-to-school fashions for 2015. Check it out below and dress yourself for guaranteed success! Brian’s light, breathable Robot Butt T-shirt helps him to be on…
Author: The Robot Butt Staff
A brand-new school year is here, and you don’t want it to get off to a bad start. Of course, there’s nothing tougher than that first week back, but don’t worry! We’ve made it easier for you. Simply follow these 16 essential tips and you’re sure to survive your first week of school: 1. Start a fight with the biggest professor at your college to show dominance. 2. Remember, no one wants to peak in high school, so make a point to be the biggest loser that nobody likes to ensure your future success. 3. Colleges really want to see that you play…
Now that Jared Fogle is going to prison (insert footlong jokes here) for charges related to possession of child pornography and having sex with minors, we can add another famous person to the long list of celebrities – often beloved – who have proven to be despicable, horrific monsters. Whether it’s Fogle, Bill Cosby, Stephen Collins, Hulk Hogan or any of the other celebrities who have dark and horrible secrets, the only thing we know for sure is that everybody is evil and the rate at which we are discovering this is increasing exponentially. So who’s next? Here are the official betting…
At 8 p.m. ET tonight, we will be experiencing an exciting leap into the future! That’s right, in order to properly align Earth’s rotation with the atomic clock, we will be leaping forward a second in time into a world of limitless possibilities. So to get the most out of your leap second, we have provided you with 20 of the best ways to spend it. You can: 1. Engage in an extra lovemaking session with your wife. 2. Count the number of times you’ve felt happy. 3. Watch all of the worthwhile moments in Entourage. 4. Kiss another dude because lol, why not,…
Hey! Thanks for checking out this article about Kim Kardashian. It’s a very good and in-depth article about Kim Kardashian. It has many exciting facts and the latest updates about her life, which, through our extensive research, we have found you crave with a ferocious, unrelenting desire. As the beacon of journalism, has proven that it is important to write very good articles about Kim Kardashian. So, with that in mind, we present to you: The Kim Kardashian Article You Deserve We have written a lot about Mrs. Kardashian-West here, because this is what you want. This is what…
1. Dad jokes 2. Dad strength 3. Mowing the lawn 4. Coaching baseball 5. Extremely large historical non-fiction books 6. Tucked-in shirts 7. Sports knowledge 8. Owning a grill 9. Socks and sandals 10. Lounge chairs 11. Arguing with customer service representatives 12. Sleeping upright 13. Clip-on sunglasses 14. Incredibly large white socks 15. Nicknames for children’s friends 16. Self-treatment of injuries 17. Cigars 18. Adjustable caps 19. Nondescript white athletic shoes 20. Staunch political beliefs 21. The Eagles 22. Making small talk with waiters and waitresses 23. Email chains 24. Shorts above the knee 25. Shoulder pain
Jurassic Park is one of the greatest films ever made. There is no question about that, and even more than 20 years after its initial release, fans are still clamoring to learn everything they can about the movie and its sequels. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled 13 of the rarest bits of trivia about the series! 1. The T-Rex roar was actually produced by recording Steven Spielberg as he yelled at an intern to bring him coffee. This was then slowed down 500% and played backwards. 2. The velociraptor that fogs up the glass of the kitchen door was actually played…
It’s a real shame that dinosaurs (likely) no longer exist, because it sure would be a lot of fun to watch certain people get ripped to shreds by a Tyrannosaurus Rex or slowly eaten away by a compsognathus pack. There are just so many people in the world who deserve to watch their bowels spill from the giant gash in their stomach, courtesy of a dinosaur that has selected them for its next meal. Only then will they understand the tremendously negative effect they’ve had on the world. We can at least dream, right? Anyway, there are millions of people who deserved…
“My biggest fear right now is retirement. I’ve had a long and fruitful career, but when I look back on everything that I’ve done, I can’t help but ask myself, ‘What have I built?’ It’s pretty scary to realize that you have no foundation anywhere around you to set up a future for yourself. All those years spent needlessly destroying opportunities. I still have a few more good years left, and it’s time to start creating something that will last the rest of my life.”
Yeah, we just endorsed Hillary Clinton. But then we saw that Marco Rubio announced his candidacy and, well, there’s just something about him. His attempts to pass comprehensive immigration reform. The passion in his voice when he speaks. His perfect hair and piercing eyes. It’s just something we’re drawn to. And, yeah, we know we’re supposed to go for Hillary. She would be the first female president, and that’s supposed to be something we want. It would be undoubtedly cool. But Rubio would be the first Latino president. And thinking about him keeping us safe from ISIS, in his warm embrace,…