Author: Tmo Bradach

Tmo Bradach is a comedy writer based in Chicago, IL. You Can find his work on Weekly Humorist and his mom’s fridge. He once almost got Salma Hayek’s autograph at FAO Schwartz.

Trish Baker, CEO of Baker Ltd., muted all 400 attendees at a mandatory, virtual-staff meeting on Friday. She first grew frustrated when a series of accidental unmutes led to interruptions like coughing, chatter, and cats walking across keyboards. “At first, I respectfully asked everyone to mute themselves. But when the interruptions continued, I told them that if they can’t learn to be quiet, I’d make them be quiet,” said Baker who then clicked the mute-all button. Some spectators, like Devin Allen, Paper Clip Coordinator, pushed back. “I used the chat to let her know that I was muted the whole…

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