Author: Tucker Comes

Tucker taught Robot Butt to love.

I’m writing this out into the void because I hope it will call back to me. I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like I have tried everything. I just don’t get Star Wars.  I read all the books, I have seen all the movies, and I even put 538 hours into Knights of the Old Republic, but I still don’t understand the appeal and why people like this expansive and fully realized universe so much. I went to the Star Wars part of Disney World and talked to stormtroopers and also did that thing where they give…

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We’ve finally done it folks! We secured 15 minutes to sit down and talk to the illustrious “Mop-Man” about his day to day essentials! We don’t want to put the cart before the horse, but he had some real crazy things you would never expect. It’s been 8 days since the interview and I still can’t wipe his gaze from my memory! He possessed a truly haunting aura! Rock I‘m not positive what he meant by this since he wouldn’t elaborate much further. He simply stated “rock” and it truly could mean anything. He could have meant something as grand…

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