Comic book tie-in ads have never been that rare, but in the 90’s they were likely in every comic issue that Marvel produced. Spider-Man would rescue Capn’ Crunch from pirates, or The Hulk would fight off thugs to protect his Hostess Apple Pies, but it wasn’t exactly commonplace for an entire comic book to be devoted to brand promotion. Enter Combo Man. A new overpowered Marvel hero that was created in 1995 to promote the actual snack, Combos. Not the point, but I didn’t even know Combos had been around since the 90’s, much less that they had their own…
Author: Walt Braley
It’s 1993, Michael Bay is still two years away from directing his first feature film, Bad Boys. He’s known as one of the best video directors in the business, having directed iconic media like a Vanilla Ice music video and the September 1990 Playboy video centerfold. He then gets his first crack at the big time, directing an ad for the California Milk Processor Board, or “Big Milk” as their known in most industry circles. The ad lacks Bay’s classic mise en scene of explosions or Optimus Prime driving on a bridge in Shanghai, but is still worth a watch.…
Here is a normal comic about early mobile telephones. Cellular is available to rent on any of your favorite digital movie platforms.
I recently learned that, technically, you don’t need a state-issued driver’s license to drive a car in an official NASCAR sanctioned race. It got me wondering, what other things feel like they definitely require a license, but don’t. I did some digging and it turns out none of these “require” a license. 10. Fly a “light” aircraft It turns out, much like NASCAR, flying a light aircraft has its own licensing procedures. That said, flying a “large” aircraft in the U.S. has a licensing system that also requires a valid driver’s license. Neat! 9. Drive a farm tractor or moped…
Here is a normal cartoon about the sun.
Please show these to your mothers, and let me know if they would believe they are real and then be okay with you skipping a dinner.
Look, I love when the rudest superhero breaks the fourth wall to let the audience (me!) know we are all on the same page. When Deadpool points out things like Marvel’s phase 4 Cinematic Universe inconsistencies or Juggernaut’s weird balls, I bleat like a goat with glee. That said, in the new movie, when he stopped dodging beams from a giant mutant-hunting sentinel and said my full name to the camera I thought something seemed off. After, when he waved and said “sorry pal, you get hit by a Divvy biker going way too fast on March 13th, 2028,” I…
H.P. Lovecraft is often considered the king of cosmic horror and racist pet names, but I’m here to tell you that despite being the arguable inventor of Lovecraftian horror, a genre that has kept pretentious indie horror filmmaking alive, he is actually a hack fraud. Lovecraft’s stories often feature mythical beings that are left in large part to the readers’ imaginations. Lovecraft sometimes implies that even attempting to describe these monsters would cause insanity in the seer or the listener. Here is a direct quote from At the Mountains of Madness, one of Lovecraft’s most famous texts. “It was a…
One More Shot If you aren’t on the Scott Adkins train then you need to stop reading this article and buy a ticket. The British martial arts experts makes hard-hitting, paper-thin action movies for Netflix that I promise your dad will like. He’s like the white Jason Statham. This sequel to the Netflix original “One Shot” is, like the predecessor, filmed entirely in one camera take. It’s a lot like how Steve kind of only has one shot to fix our friendship. Only instead of saying “bruv” and kicking 19 guys in the head, he simply has to give me…