Author: Walt Braley

Walt Braley is an editor for the site you're reading right now. He took up comedy after being unmasked and forced to retire comically early in his luchador wrestling career.

I’m being so serious. I think if the right people see it we can get Paramount Plus to either sponsor the post, or think they already did. So everyone behave. Don’t comment or do anything weird or you’ll screw this up for me. I’m trying to support my red dude and get absolutely paid. Share this around with tweets that are like “dang, Robot Butt sold out” or “nice try paramount plus but I’m not watching your dumb show just because you paid a niche internet humor site.” There are ads for this show EVERYWHERE. We can easily sneak one…

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3 Regular Bibles This Cool Godzilla Dinner For Two At Chilis. I’ll Join You. It’ll Be Nice. If We Split The Bill We Can Go Twice Call Of Duty. Any Of Them. I’m Pretty Sure They Are All $60. This Thing Tickets To Ska Fest This Website. Make Me An Offer. A Gift For Someone You’ll Likely Forget This Year. Here’s A Short Calendar Of Important Dates You’ll Probably Forget: My birthday Any Of These Funny Coffee Mugs Blu-Ray Copy Of Real Steel

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Hi all! I’m one of the editors of this great site and I finally finished my first horror novel! Because so many of you are familiar with my writing (and clearly have excellent taste or you wouldn’t be here), I was wondering if you’d look at my pitch I wrote and give me some notes before I send this thing to every publisher I can find on google. Oh, I’m also attaching the cover because I just got it back and I am PSYCHED about it. I am not really looking for notes on the cover (paid the artist A…

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Losing a loved one never gets easier. The crushing weight of loss often leaves those affected wondering when they’ll be able to move on. They then learn the answer is immediately, as they find out how much the whole funeral process is going to cost. So, before you start questioning how much your bond with the recently departed is literally worth, know that we are here to help. Here at Gravesite Ads™, we specialize in all things grave plot advertising. You can now instantly turn that special someone’s final resting place into prime ad space, not only softening the financial…

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Whatever happened to the good old days, when I could walk down the block and clear out a whole magazine stand for a few bucks. I used to have everything from Better Home & Garden to Weird Pets Monthly. These days, magazines are either gone, or ten dollars for one issue of some flimsy thing that has more pictures of Harrison Styles than it does high-quality, large-fonted writing! So here’s why I’m peeved off. If print media is really dead, then that means cutting up magazines to make ransom letters is dead too. Ever since this whole internet thing took…

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I waited to write this because I thought this year might be different, but, of course, it wasn’t. I am not an imbecile. I know that Santa isn’t real. I figured it out when I was 14 like most kids do. But for some reason my parents refuse to drop the façade, and to make matters worse, they keep giving me coal every year. I am almost thirty and this has been going on for a decade. I keep telling them I know there isn’t a Santa and that they can drop the act but they won’t! Every single year…

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