It’s finals time in Collegeland, and that means there are some seriously stressed-out students out there desperate for tips on…
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MIAMI – After breaking up with his model girlfriend Toni Garrn, actor Leonardo DiCaprio was seen leaving a South Beach nightclub…
NEW YORK CITY – After remaining silent for weeks following a string of sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby, Dr. Cliff…
1. 25 Reasons Why Friendly’s Was Your Dad’s Favorite Restaurant 2. 15 Pictures of Friendly’s Sundaes That Will Melt…
God spoke to many people throughout the Bible, perhaps most notably to Moses or Noah. But the Lord continues to…
Salt Lake City, UT – Little more than a week after Walmart’s “Bigger & Blacker Black Friday” started, peace has finally returned…
Burger King is putting its 40-year-old Yumbo ham-and-cheese sandwich back on the menu and people can’t stop talking about it!…
A wise writer has said that Italians should have never been introduced to the automobile because they’re so horrendous behind…
It’s the weekend, so you should be out there tearing things up. But you can’t even begin to think about…
I’m used to answering questions from my fans. I welcome it. Nothing brings me more pleasure than teaching someone how…