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The undefeated East Lake High Bobcats kept their streak alive last Friday with a huge 68 – 10 win against…
Holy cow! David? What are you doing here at the YMCA gym? Every day? Huh, yeah, weird that I haven’t…
Don’t do that Righty tighty, lefty loosey Swing with your hips Jiggle the handle Don’t tell anyone Better tell someone…
The three editors here at Robot Butt all have some wild resolutions and goals for 2023. Here are a few…
After maneuvering a squeaky cart with two broken wheels through the narrow aisles, you approach the grocery checkout with trepidation.…
Well, I’m two years deep into wearing my Icelandic necropants now and all I have to say is this: I’m…
Like just about everyone else on the planet, I was utterly captivated this summer by Top Gun: Maverick, the thrilling…
In today’s uncertain world, the stresses of daily life are oftentimes hard to manage. And now, in the face of…
It’s that wonderful time of the year when families gather during the Christmas season. Praying together and donating to the…