CNN Alien Mother Ships Materialize Over Major Cities, Malaysian Jetliner Missing Fox News Obama’s Weakness Invites Alien Invasion, Aliens Admire…
Browsing: Life
Here at Robot Butt, we respect the quest for knowledge. With that in mind, here is a completely unedited list…
Good riddance, Halloween! While many fair-weather Satanists are still gorging themselves on Snickers and Jujubes, I’m preparing for a real…
Picture this: you’re in the first stages of “talking” to a new guy. You’ve exchanged some witty repartee, a few…
Have you ever wanted to have your own country? Become the ruler of the land? Or do you already own…
1. Soggy leftovers from last night’s Taco Bell run, because saving money is smart. 2. Lots of mac and cheese,…
“Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.” – John…
With Donald Trump’s latest outbreak of locker room banter, I realized, oftentimes, women don’t get to hear real locker room…
“My allergies always got in the way of my everyday life, so I always assumed they would get in the…
Please answer YES or NO: Is it appropriate to respond with D-Generation X’s “suck it” move when… 1. Your boss…